

The Association of Bhutanese Cottage, Small, and Medium Industries (ABCSMI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to representing and supporting Cottage, Small, and Medium Industries, which account for 95% of Bhutan’s industrial output. ABCSMI serves as a member-based organization advocating for the interests of cottage and small industries in Bhutan.

Purpose of ABCSMI

The main purpose of having an ABCSMI association is to provide support, representation, and resources to Cottage and Small and Medium Industries in Bhutan. ABCSMI will play a vital role in advocating for the interests of Cottage, Small and Medium Industry in Bhutan and create an enabling environment for their growth and success. 

Objectives of the Organization

ABCSMI is committed to empowering CSMIs by providing them with the necessary knowledge, resources, and support to succeed. We advocate for their interests, collaborate to foster networking and partnerships, and focus on capacity building through training programs. 

Our aim is to enhance CSMIs’ access to markets, promote sustainability, and provide recognition and support through mentorship and advisory services.


  1. To support and recognize innovative and globally competitive enterprises in Bhutan
  2. To provide platform for networking in Bhutan and abroad
  3. To contribute towards building a growth-oriented entrepreneurship Ecosystem
  4. To advocate for conducive policy to support entrepreneurship challenges


To create a vibrant Entrepreneurial Cottage Small and Medium Industry (CSMI) sector for Sustainable Economic Growth

Why membership and membership fees?

  1. Sustainability and growth
  • The fees will help cover the costs of running the organization, including administrative expenses, facility maintenance, and staff salaries.
  • Fees contribute to the development and maintenance of resources, tools, and programs that benefit all members of ABCSMI
  • It ensures that ABCSMI can provide high-quality services and support to its members.
  1. Value Proposition
  • Charging a membership fee encourages a level of commitment from members, ensuring they are serious about benefiting from the services offered by ABCSMI.
  • By investing in a membership, members are more likely to actively participate and make the most of the available resources and opportunities provided by ABCSMI. 

Why keep both Basic and Premium membership fees?

Basic membership provides an affordable option for businesses that may want to test the association and eventually onboard as a premium member. Premium membership offers additional benefits for those who are willing to invest more, providing them with enhanced resources and support. 

By offering both basic and premium memberships, ABCSMI can support a diverse group of entrepreneurs and businesses. 

The Board will review the membership structure and associated fees in a timely manner and revise accordingly. 


Membership Packages


  • Invitation to CSMI seminar and conference
  • Create lasting connections with 1000+ other entrepreneurs in Bhutan.
  • Invitation to local and regional networking events
  • Invitation to trainings and workshops
  • Information on specific grants, loans, and funding programs
  • Updates on laws and regulations changes that affect CSMIs
  • Marketing assistance
  • 30% discount on one-on-one business advisory.
Nu. 2000 Annually


  • Invitation to CSMI seminar and conference
  • Create lasting connections with 1000+ other entrepreneurs in Bhutan.
  • Invitation to local and regional networking events
  • Invitation to trainings and workshops
  • Information on specific grants, loans, and funding programs
  • Updates on laws and regulations changes that affect CSMIs
  • Marketing assistance
  • 60% discount on one-on-one business advisory
  • Premium members have the advantage to avail 60% of seats for exclusive workshops, meetings and seminars.
  • Voting rights at Annual General Meeting
Nu. 5000 Annually

Transforming Cottage, Small & Medium Enterprises into the Economic Power houses in Bhutan.



Startup Center
Changzamtog, Thimphu

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +975 17 51 78 15
Hours: Mon-Fri 
9:00AM- 5:00PM

Copyright 2024. Association of Cottage, Small & Medium Industries. All Rights Reserved